%0 Journal Article %T Bidirectional Growth Based Mining and Cyclic Behaviour Analysis of Web Sequential Patterns %A Srikantaiah K C %A Krishna Kumar N %A Venugopal K R %A L M Patnaik %J International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process %D 2013 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X Web sequential patterns are important for analyzing and understanding usersĄŻ behaviour to improve the quality of service offered by the World Wide Web. Web Prefetching is one such technique that utilizes prefetching rules derived through Cyclic Model Analysis of the mined Web sequential patterns. The moreaccurate the prediction and more satisfying the results of prefetching if we use a highly efficient and scalable mining technique such as the Bidirectional Growth based Directed Acyclic Graph. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm called Bidirectional Growth based mining Cyclic behavior Analysis of web sequential Patterns (BGCAP) that effectively combines these strategies to generate prefetching rules in the form of 2-sequence patterns with Periodicity and threshold of Cyclic Behaviour that can be utilized toeffectively prefetch Web pages, thus reducing the usersĄŻ perceived latency. As BGCAP is based on Bidirectional pattern growth, it performs only (log n+1) levels of recursion for mining n Web sequential patterns. Our experimental results show that prefetching rules generated using BGCAP is 5-10% faster for different data sizes and 10-15% faster for a fixed data size than TD-Mine. In addition, BGCAP generates about 5-15% more prefetching rules than TD-Mine %K Cyclic Behaviour %K Periodicity %K Sequential Pattern Analysis %K Web Prefetching %K Web Sequential Pattern Mining %U http://airccse.org/journal/ijdkp/papers/3213ijdkp04.pdf