%0 Journal Article %T SCAF - An Effective Approach to Classify Subspace Clustering Algorithms %A Sunita Jahirabadkar %A Parag Kulkarni %J International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process %D 2013 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X Subspace clustering discovers the clusters embedded in multiple, overlapping subspaces of high dimensional data. Many significant subspace clustering algorithms exist, each having different characteristics caused by the use of different techniques, assumptions, heuristics used etc. A comprehensive classification scheme is essential which will consider all such characteristics to divide subspace clustering approaches in various families. The algorithms belonging to same family will satisfy common characteristics. Such a categorization will help future developers to better understand the quality criteria to be used and similar algorithms to be used to compare results with their proposed clustering algorithms. In this paper, we first proposed the concept of SCAF (Subspace Clustering Algorithms¡¯ Family). Characteristics of SCAF will be based on the classes such as cluster orientation, overlap of dimensions etc. As an illustration, we further provided a comprehensive, systematic description and comparison of few significant algorithms belonging to ¡°Axis parallel, overlapping, density based¡± SCAF. %K Axis parallel clusters %K Density based clustering %K High dimensional data %K Subspace clustering %U http://airccse.org/journal/ijdkp/papers/3213ijdkp05.pdf