%0 Journal Article %T Efficient Algorithm for Disseminating Consistent Data to Read-Write Mobile Clients %A K.Chitra Manikandan %A S.Abirami %J International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process %D 2012 %I Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC) %X Most of emerging mobile data base applications emphasis on data dissemination. Data dissemination is the delivery of data from a server to large number of mobile clients. While the data on server being broadcasted to mobile clients , update transactions from external sources may be executed concurrently. If the execution of update and broadcast transactions were overlapped, then mobile clients may observe inconsistent data. This paper proposes an index based algorithm for ensuring the consistency of read-write mobile clients. Under this algorithm mobile clients can receive consistent and current data and it allows the mobile clients to update broadcasted data. %K Dynamic Database %K Data Dissemination %K Consistency %K Serializability %K push. %U http://airccse.org/journal/ijdkp/papers/2412ijdkp03.pdf