%0 Journal Article %T A REGIONAL APPROACH FOR OPTIMIZATION OF THE MUNICIPAL WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM USING FUZZY SETS %A Dorel Ailenei %A Valentina Elena Tartiu %J Romanian Journal of Regional Science %D 2008 %I Romanian Regional Science Association %X In the context of complexity in permanent growing of the problems and standards, the area ofmunicipal waste management is in an accelerated evolution process. As the number of municipalwaste management alternatives increase, the selection of the best waste management system- that isto decide on the combination of collection, processing and disposal techniques that will best servethe present and future needs of a community- become a more difficult task for local authorities.Consequently, mathematical modelling techniques have been introduced to waste management inorder to help the decision makers from this area. This paper presents a fuzzy optimization model forthe development of an integrated waste management system at the regional level. Based on theoptions investigated in the model the end-users will be able to select and develop investmentsprojects at local and county level in the aim of achieving the targets of the region. %K municipal waste %K fuzzy optimization model %K regional approach %U http://www.rrsa.ro/rjrs/N2-AILENEI.PDF