%0 Journal Article %T INAVEM : un parcours professionnel d¡¯¨¦coute et d¡¯aide aux victimes / INAVEM: a professional way of listening to and helping victims of crime %A Bellucci Sabrina %J Rivista di Criminologia, Vittimologia e Sicurezza %D 2012 %I Societ¨¤ Italiana di Vittimologia %X It is only in the last 20 years that support for victims of crime has received attention. The French history of associations dedicated to victims of crime is based on INAVEM (Institut National d¡¯Aide aux Victimes et de M¨¦diation ¨C National Institute for Victims of Crime and Mediation): indeed, an associative network and its federation devoted to a mission of general interest and public service, constitute a French specificity. In France, the enforcement of the public policy to help and support victims of crime relies on associations, the most of which joined the INAVEM. L¡¯aide aux victimes a longtemps ¨¦t¨¦ m¨¦connue, elle s¡¯est construite progressivement et a connu un essor consid¨¦rable au cours de ces vingt derni¨¨res ann¨¦es. L¡¯histoire associative fran aise au service de la cause des victimes se fonde sur l¡¯INAVEM (Institut National d¡¯Aide aux Victimes et de M¨¦diation) : en effet, un r¨¦seau associatif et sa f¨¦d¨¦ration en charge d¡¯une mission d¡¯int¨¦r¨ºt g¨¦n¨¦ral, de service public, constitue une sp¨¦cificit¨¦ fran aise. La mise en uvre de la politique publique d¡¯aide aux victimes repose en France sur des structures associatives, la plupart adh¨¦rentes ¨¤ l¡¯INAVEM. %K victim support %U http://www.vittimologia.it/rivista/articolo_bellucci_2012-02.pdf