%0 Journal Article %T Traumatic brain injury: Current endeavours and trends for neuroprotection and related recovery %A G. Onose %A Cristina Daia-Chendreanu %A Monica Haras %A A.V. Ciurea %J Romanian Neurosurgery %D 2011 %I Romanian Society of Neurosurgery %X This paper aims to give a brief overviewon traumatic brain injuries¡¯ (TBIs) mainpathophysiological mechanisms, tosummarize the current available therapeuticstrategies and offer a glimpse at possiblefuture advancements in the field.The impact of TBI on health caresystems and society is tremedous. While thesurgical and intensive care management arerelatively well standardized for acute TBI,subsequent, therapeutic interventionsremain at the physician¡¯s choice/professional skills, and their clinical utilityis still questionable.Previous experience and numerous trialshave failed to demonstrate a consistentbenefit from therapies like corticosteroids,lazaroids, nsaids vasodilators, glutamateblockers, immune modulators, or generalhypothermia.Novel achievements in neuroprotectionare now expected from developing antiapoptoticagents (such as caspase and/orcalpain inhibitors), from more potentantioxidants, cholinergic agents, alphablockers from researching variousphysiologic substances, like melatonin,protirelin, inosine, progesterone, andincluding from regenerative medicine andphysiatric, assisstive technology/bioengineering advancements. %K neuroprotection %K primary brain damage %K secondary brain injury %K traumatic brain injury %U http://www.roneurosurgery.eu/atdoc/4OnoseGTraumaticBrain.pdf