%0 Journal Article %T Frequency and cost of the thirty long-term disorders in the Midi-Pyr¨¦n¨¦es region in 2003 %A Fender P %A Chinaud F %A Vallier N %A Bourrel R %J Revue M¨¦dicale de l'Assurance Maladie %D 2005 %I %X Aims: To determine the frequency of the thirty long-term disorders (ALD 30 ) and to calculate the costs to the health fund according to the recorded diagnosis as a function of type of healthcare provided. Methods: We performed a descriptive survey of beneficiaries of the general scheme of the health fund in the Midi-Pyr¨¦n¨¦es region (1.7 million individuals in 2003). The frequency and cost of each of the ALD 30 was determined by consulting the health fund¡¯s reimbursement database and the medical service¡¯s database on benefits attributed to affiliates. Results: 210,130 patients had been attributed an ALD 30 in the Midi-Pyr¨¦n¨¦es region on December 31, 2003 (12.4 % of the covered population). Their average age was 62 years. 52 % of the patients were females. The most frequent affections recorded were malignant tumors (2.3 % of the affiliates in the general scheme), long-term psychiatric disorders (2.3 %) and diabetes mellitus (2.2 %). The average annual reimbursement per patient was 7,512 ? , of which 4,942 ? were directly related to their ALD 30 . The average annual reimbursement per patient varied from 3,000 to 30,000 ? according to each different disease. 5 % of the patients who had been reimbursed for the greatest expenses represented 37 % of total expenditures. The average amount reimbursed to patients in their final year of life was 22,033 ?. Conclusion: This type of analysis enables us to follow the financial resources that the health fund spends on patients who have been attributed an ALD 30 , both over time and geographically. The simultaneous increase in the frequency and the costs of the 30 long-term disorders represents an important augmentation in the healthfund¡¯s expenditures. %K cost analysis %K prevalence %K health insurance %K long-term disorder %K cancer %K psychiatric disorders %K diabetes mellitus %K databases. %U http://www.ameli.fr/fileadmin/user_upload/documents/Frequence_des_ALD_2003_.pdf