%0 Journal Article %T A AUTOAVALIA O NA APRENDIZAGEM DE L¨ªNGUA INGLESA: SUBS¨ªDIO PARA RECONHECIMENTO DA PR¨®PRIA APRENDIZAGEM E GEST O DO ERRO %A Giovana Chiment£¿o Punhagui %A Nadia Aparecida de Souza %J Roteiro %D 2012 %I Universidade do Oeste de Santa Catarina %X The official directives for foreign language teaching in primary educationstate the need for strategies which allow the student to be critical in the contextin which he/she is inserted and to establish a dialogue with other realities. Aslearning a language demands constant study, even after the school period ¨C whenthere are no more teachers as mediators - the development of greater autonomyfor learning becomes relevant. An option, revealed in the literature as a trigger forgreater cognitive independence, is the use of self-assessment. This study is partof a master¡¯s study in progress, and aims at analysing the effectiveness of self--assessment in the recognition of learning and of error as a possibility for learning.The research adopted a qualitative approach in the form of a case study, and involved36 students from the 8th grade in a public school in the north of Paran¨¢. Theinformation from the instruments for data collection was subjected to thematiccontent analysis, which allowed us to notice the following results: most students,after working with self-assessment, proved to be able to recognize their strengthsand difficulties, and saw error as a tool to promote changes in learning, revealingthe potential of self-assessment to trigger reflection upon their learning. %K English language learning %K Self-assessment %K Regulation of learning %K Autonomy %K Concept of error. %U http://editora.unoesc.edu.br/index.php/roteiro/article/view/1715