%0 Journal Article %T Localization of Nodes inWireless Sensor Networks by MDV-Hop Algorithm %A Mohamad Ramazany %A Zynolabedin Moussav %J ARPN Journal of Systems and Software %D 2012 %I ARPN Publishers %X Wireless sensor network (WSN) are widely used in many different scenarios. The localization information is crucial for the operation of WSN. There are mainly two types of Localization algorithms. The Range-based localization algorithm hasrequirements on hardware, thusis expensive to be implemented in practice. The Range-free localization algorithm reducesthehardware cost. However, it can only achieve high accuracy in idealscenarios. In this paper we locate known nodes by Manualplacement (MDVHop) in various locations for best result. Our algorithm improves the localization accuracy compared withprevious algorithms, which has been demonstrated by the simulating results. %K wsn %K localization %K MDV-Hop %K beacon nodes. %U http://scientific-journals.org/journalofsystemsandsoftware/archive/vol2no5/vol2no5_1.pdf