%0 Journal Article %T Les faux mariages homosexuels de Sidi Ali au Maroc : enjeux d¡¯un scandale m¨¦diatique The case of fake gay marriage in Sidi Ali Morocco : what is at stake beyond the press scandal ? %A Florence Bergeaud-Blackler %A Victor Eck %J Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la M¨¦diterran¨¦e %D 2012 %I Universit¨¦ de Provence %R 10.4000/remmm.7180 %X Les affaires de mariages homosexuels ¨¤ Ksar el Kebir puis ¨¤ Sidi Ali ont fait grand bruit dans la presse marocaine. Au-del¨¤ de l¡¯¨¦motion soulev¨¦e par le scandaleux amalgame entre l¡¯institution respect¨¦e du mariage et une forme ill¨¦gale de sexualit¨¦, elle a mis en ¨¦vidence une transformation du traitement public de la question homosexuelle. Le changement de ton de la presse refl¨¨te-t-il celui de l¡¯attitude de la soci¨¦t¨¦ marocaine vis-¨¤-vis de l¡¯homosexualit¨¦ ? Assiste-t-on ¨¤ l¡¯¨¦mergence d¡¯une communaut¨¦ homosexuelle militant pour la d¨¦fense de ses droits ? Les mariages de Ksar el Kebir et de Sidi Ali constituent-ils des d¨¦monstrations visant ¨¤ briser le tabou de l¡¯homosexualit¨¦ par l¡¯¨¦mergence d¡¯une fiert¨¦ homosexuelle ? D¡¯enqu¨ºtes men¨¦es ¨¤ Sidi Ali, Fez et Casablanca, nous concluons que la m¨¦diatisation autour des affaires de mariages d¡¯homosexuels a ¨¦t¨¦ un instrument d¡¯une strat¨¦gie d¡¯un retour de la morale aux relents nationalistes cons¨¦cutive ¨¤ la p¨¦riode d¡¯establishement du roi Mohamed VI. L¡¯article s¡¯attache ¨¤ montrer les enjeux locaux et nationaux d¡¯une fausse chasse aux sorci¨¨res dans un pays o¨´ les conditions d¡¯un d¨¦bat sur la d¨¦p¨¦nalisation de l¡¯homosexualit¨¦ ne semblent pas encore r¨¦alis¨¦es. The cases of "gay marriages" in Ksar el Kebir and then in Sidi Ali have caused an uproar in the Moroccan press. Beyond the emotions raised by the 'outrageous' mix between the respected institution of marriage and an illegal form of sexuality, this affair showed a shift of the public treatment of the homosexual question. Does this reflects a shift in the attitude of the Moroccan society vis-¨¤-vis the homosexuality ? Is that a sign of the raise of a gay community activism for the protection of gay rights? Are the "Marriage" of Ksar el Kebir and Sidi Ali a demonstration Morocco is ready to break the taboo of homosexuality through of an homosexual "pride" ? The conclusions of our investigations in Sidi Ali, in Fez and Casabanca show that the media coverage surrounding the affairs of gay marriages has been an instrument of a strategy of a "return to morality" following the period of King Mohamed VI establishement. This paper attempts to show the local and national issues of a fake ¡°witch hunt¡± in a country where the conditions for a debate on the decriminalization of homosexuality are not ready yet. %K islam %K homosexuality %K gay %K gender %K islam %K homosexualit¨¦ %K gay %K genre %K Maghreb %U http://remmm.revues.org/7180