%0 Journal Article %T La primatologie comme vecteur d¡¯¨¦ducation ¨¤ la citoyennet¨¦ The study of Primates as an educational means of becoming a good citizen. A scientific workshop experiment in High School which has evolution as its main theme. %A Patrick Renault %A Val¨¦rie Ribaute-Maunier %J Revue de Primatologie %D 2009 %I Soci¨¦t¨¦ Francophone de Primatologie %R 10.4000/primatologie.352 %X Dans le cadre d¡¯un atelier scientifique en coll¨¨ge, des ¨¦l¨¨ves sont amen¨¦s ¨¤ s¡¯int¨¦resser aux grands singes et aux raisons des menaces de leur disparition. De cette connaissance nouvelle, ¨¦merge une prise de conscience citoyenne qui conduit les ¨¦l¨¨ves ¨¤ faire partager leurs analyses et ¨¤ obtenir des avanc¨¦es aupr¨¨s des d¨¦cideurs et des consommateurs. Centered around a scientific workshop in High School, pupils are encouraged to have a deeper look at the apes and the reason why they are threatened with extinction. From this new-found knowledge a civic awareness is born in the minds of the pupils and this leads them to share their findings and obtain improvements from decision makers and consumers alike. %K coll¨¨ge %K grands singes %K ¨¦ducation ¨¤ la citoyennet¨¦ %K atelier %K argumentation %K apes %K High school %K civic awareness %K workshop %K ¨¦ducation %U http://primatologie.revues.org/352