%0 Journal Article %T Lidocaine patch (5%) is no more potent than placebo in treating chronic back pain when tested in a randomised double blind placebo controlled brain imaging study %A Javeria A Hashmi %A Marwan Baliki %A Mona L Chanda %A Lejian Huang %A Elle Parks %A Thomas Schnitzer %A Vania Apkarian %J Molecular Pain %D 2012 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1744-8069-8-29 %X There was no significant difference between the treatment groups in either pain intensity, sensory and affective qualities of pain or in pain related brain activation at any time point. However, 50% patients in both the Lidocaine and placebo arms reported a greater than 50% decrease in pain suggesting a marked placebo effect. When tested against an untreated CBP group at similar time points, the patch treated subjects showed significantly greater decrease in pain compared to the untreated group (n£¿=£¿15).These findings suggest that although the 5% Lidocaine is not better than placebo in its effectiveness for treating pain, the patch itself induces a potent placebo effect in a significant proportion of CBP patients. %K Chronic pain %K fmri %K Clinical trial %K Placebo %K Lidocaine %K Topical analgesic %U http://www.molecularpain.com/content/8/1/29/abstract