%0 Journal Article %T A Deleuzian Reading of Wuthering Heights: The Micropolitics of Minorization %A CM Yang %J Arts and Social Sciences Journal %D 2012 %I AstonJournals %X This paper revisits Wuthering Heights, a great yet controversial nineteenth-century novel, by adopting a Deleuzian perspective/micropolitics of (minor) literature in the sense that all great literature in a broader sense is minor literature, for it deconstructs and dislocates the long-established tradition and its ¡°language seems foreign, open to mutation, and the vehicle for the creation of identity rather than the expression of identity¡±. In other words, in this novel, the protagonists¡¯ identities are rather created, not just expressed. Looking further into the underlying transforming forces in this novel, the spectator/reader could perceive a variety of minoritarian ¡°becomings¡±/mutations in Wuthering Heights, the process of liberating/deterritorializing a work of art, in Deleuzian terms, from the hierarchy or subjugation of a privileged/majoritarianmode of representation. %K Minor literature %K Deleuzian %K minoritarian %K majoritarian %K deterritorializing %U http://astonjournals.com/manuscripts/Vol2012/ASSJ-44_Vol2012.pdf