%0 Journal Article %T Clinical features of pneumocystic pneumonia in newborns %A Bochkova L.G. %A Ayberman A.S. %A Gasanova T.A. %J Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research %D 2012 %I Saratov State Medical University %X The research goal is to study clinical features and incidence of pneumocystic pneumonia in newborns. The research methods: The research has included 227 newborns with pneumocystic pneumonia: 154 (67,8%) ¡ª premature, 64 (28,1 %) ¡ª mature with intrauterine growth retardation with body weight from 2232,0 up to 2840,0 gr., and 9 (3,9%) ¡ª mature without intrauterine growth retardation. The indication of Pneumocystiscarini has been carried out by means of immunofluorescence with Pnevmocistofluoskril polyclonal antibodies by ZAO Niarmedik+, as well as stained by Romanovsky Giemsa technique and by Toluidine Blue. Results: Clinical and microbiological aspects of pneumocystic pneumonia in newborns of different maturity have been studied. The frequency of pneumocystic infection agent separation during the neonatal period has been characterized. Conclusion: The received data have indicated the potential intrauterine agent transmission from mother to infant. The high risk of generalization of the given infection form in newborns has been observed. It has been pointed out that biotopes are the most relevant means in neonatal pneumocystosis diagnostics. %K newborns %K pneumocysts %K pneumonia %U http://www.ssmj.ru/system/files/201204-962-965.pdf