%0 Journal Article %T Role of Director¡¯s Philosophical Approach in Cinematographic Expression %A S Cereci %J Arts and Social Sciences Journal %D 2012 %I AstonJournals %X The original idea for a feature film may come from a writer, director or a producer. Director is the person responsiblefor the creative aspects, both interpretive and technical, of a motion picture production in a film. Director may be shotdiscussing his project with his or her cowriters, members of production staff and producer, and director may be shownselecting locales or constructing sets. All these activities provide, of course, ways of externalizing director¡¯s ideas aboutthe film. A director sometimes pushes both the film image and techniques of narration to new artistic limits, but mainresponsibility of director is take the spectator to an original opinion in his philosophical approach. Director tries tofind an artistic angle in every scene and change screenplay into an effective story and sets his film on a spiritual andphilosophical base. %K Director %K role %K film %K approach %K opinion %U http://astonjournals.com/manuscripts/Vol2012/ASSJ-55_Vol2012.pdf