%0 Journal Article %T Archaeology of Architecture and Archaeology of houses in Early Medieval Europe %A Quir¨®s Castillo %A Juan Antonio %J Arqueolog¨ªa de la Arquitectura %D 2013 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient¨ªficas %X This paper aims to introduce the Archaeology of Architecture and Household Archaeology in Early Medieval Europe dossier, the object of which is to explore the different approaches, methodologies and themes analysed in the study of early medieval architecture in western Europe. More specifically, in what follows, analysis is undertaken of the contexts which explain the recent development of studies on this topic, as well as the main contributions of the seven papers which form this dossier. In addition, the main historical and archaeological problems raised by the analysis of this material record are also discussed. En este trabajo se presenta el dossier Archaeology of Architecture and Household Archaeology in Early Medieval Europe , que pretende explorar los distintos enfoques, metodolog¨ªas y tem¨¢ticas analizadas en el estudio de las arquitecturas altomedievales en el marco de Europa occidental. M¨¢s concretamente se analizan los contextos que explican el desarrollo reciente de los estudios sobre esta materia, las principales aportaciones de los siete trabajos que conforman este dossier y se discuten los principales problemas hist¨®ricos y arqueol¨®gicos que plantea el an¨¢lisis de este registro material. %K Building Archaeology %K Household Archaeology %K Processual approach %K Postprocessual approach %K Longhouse %K Sunken-Feature Buildings %K Arqueolog¨ªa de la Construcci¨®n %K Arqueolog¨ªa de la casa %K Procesualismo %K Posprocesualismo %K Longhouse %K Fondos de caba a %U http://arqarqt.revistas.csic.es/index.php/arqarqt/article/view/143/137