%0 Journal Article %T Lo studio della vittimologia per capire il ruolo della vittima / ¨¦tudier la victimologie pour comprendre le r le de la victime / The study of victimology in order to understand the role of the victim %A Sicurella Sandra %J Rivista di Criminologia, Vittimologia e Sicurezza %D 2012 %I Societ¨¤ Italiana di Vittimologia %X D¨¨s les premi¨¨res ¨¦tudes et les premi¨¨res recherches, la victimologie a permis de se tourner vers l¡¯image de la victime sans repr¨¦senter cette derni¨¨re comme un sujet exclusivement passif qui subit le crime, mais aussi comme un acteur capable de peser de mani¨¨re significative sur la dynamique criminelle. Cette discipline a aussi attribu¨¦ une dignit¨¦ aux victimes et a pr¨¦sent¨¦ leurs caract¨¦ristiques. La victimologie accompagne les victimes dans un parcours, celui de la reconnaissance de leurs droits, qui est encore long et difficile m¨ºme si des progr¨¨s ont ¨¦t¨¦ faits.From the beginning of its analysis and surveys, the victimology has been the merit to bring the victim in light identifing him/her not only as a passive subject who suffers a crime, but also as an actor who can have a significant influence on crime dynamic. This discipline has also restored the dignity of victims and sketched the features of his/her characteristics. Victimology indicates to crime victims the way of rights, recognising that, despite some forward steps, there is still a long and hard way ahead. %K victimology %K victim %U http://www.vittimologia.it/rivista/articolo_sicurella_2012-03.pdf