%0 Journal Article %T Response to the Review The French Revolution and the Creation of Benthamism %A Cyprian Blamires %J Revue d¡¯¨¦tudes Benthamiennes %D 2009 %I Centre Bentham %X I am grateful to Emmanuelle de Champs for her positive and perceptive account of The French Revolution and the Creation of Benthamism, and I am also grateful to her for making it possible for me to offer some observations in response to her review. I have to plead guilty to her complaint that my approach is somewhat ¡®provocative¡¯: I am hoping that it will stimulate (or ¡®provoke¡¯) important debate about the issues I have raised, leading to a recognition that Bentham is a very much more crucial... %U http://etudes-benthamiennes.revues.org/99