%0 Journal Article %T A Response to Emilie Dardenne %A Peter Singer %J Revue d¡¯¨¦tudes Benthamiennes %D 2010 %I Centre Bentham %R 10.4000/etudes-benthamiennes.212 %X Emilie Dardenne¡¯s comparison of Jeremy Bentham¡¯s views with my own comes to the conclusion that my thinking is in many respects similar to that of Bentham, and that I am applying his ideas in a manner that would very likely have met with his approval, were he still alive and aware of today¡¯s circumstances. Naturally, I am honored to be considered the successor of such a great and influential thinker. There are, however, some points that warrant further discussion.Hedonistic or Preference Ut... %U http://etudes-benthamiennes.revues.org/212