%0 Journal Article %T El patrimonio cultural industrial: un lugar de encuentro = Industrial heritage: a meeting point %A Antonio Mu£¿oz Carri¨®n %J ArDIn : Arte, Dise£¿o e Ingenier¨ªa %D 2012 %I Universidad Politecnica de Madrid %X Resumen Un inter¨¦s renovado ha ido surgiendo desde finales del siglo XX entre los demandantes de cultura de las sociedades desarrolladas: comprender algunos de los eslabones de la cadena que nos ha conducido a los niveles de calidad de vida que hemos alcanzado, especialmente aquellos en los que est¨¢n implicadas directamente las diferentes tecnolog¨ªas. Cada vez existe mayor inter¨¦s por aprender a reconocer c¨®mo han surgido esas tecnolog¨ªas, comprender el papel que han desempe ado en la configuraci¨®n de nuestro entorno social en momentos anteriores, cuando eran m¨¢s simples y recientemente descubrir el grado de dependencia que les tributamos. Palabras clave: Patrimonio industrial, espacio industrial, cultura industrial Abstract A renewed interest has been growing from the end of the XX¡¯s century within the culture¡¯s petitioners in the developed society: understand about some of the links of the chain that has brought us to the quality of life that we have reached, especially those who are involved directly in different technologies. There¡¯s a higher interest to learn how those technologies have rose, to understand the role that they have played in the configuration of our social environment, time ago, when they were simpler, and lately, to find the dependence degree that we profess to them. Key words: Industrial heritage, industrial space, industrial culture. %U http://polired.upm.es/index.php/ardin/article/view/1846