%0 Journal Article %T Gram¨¢tica de la casa. Perspectivas de an¨¢lisis arqueol¨®gico de los espacios dom¨¦sticos medievales en la pen¨ªnsula Ib¨¦rica (siglos VII-XIII) %A Guti¨¦rrez Lloret %A Sonia %J Arqueolog¨ªa de la Arquitectura %D 2013 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient¨ªficas %X The constructed domestic space is a social product which, at the same time, creates society. The house constitutes a privileged scenario, a way of expression and transmission of behaviours. Nevertheless, it seems very difficult to understand the social space through some archaeological ruins, empty and lacking of third dimension, so the risk to cast a historiographical image previously made over the studied societies is high. The understanding of the social space demands to formalize and discuss the formal patterns of the domestic structures and their grouping forms. This paper deals with the study of the domestic spaces from a linguistic perspective (a grammar of the house), distinguishing the elements into themselves and their combinations. Three different levels of analysis of the domestic fact are defined: the morphological, which tackles the form of the domestic units and the transformations they suffer; the syntactic, which emphasizes the relations between the elemental structures in the framework of an organized spatial structure; and the semiotic, which analyzes them as social expressions, materialization and instrument of cultural meanings. In agreement with this perspective, a methodological reflection is suggested about the characterization of the medieval and Islamic domestic spaces in the Iberian Peninsula; the problems that come from the social use of the space is set out, the domestic patterns and their diachronic, and it is discussed about the house as an Islamization material marker. El espacio dom¨¦stico construido es un producto social que a su vez crea sociedad. La casa constituye un escenario privilegiado, un medio de expresi¨®n y transmisi¨®n de conductas y comportamientos. No obstante, resulta muy dif¨ªcil comprender el espacio social a trav¨¦s de unas ruinas arqueol¨®gicas vac¨ªas y carentes de tercera dimensi¨®n, y se corre el riesgo de proyectar una imagen historiogr¨¢fica previamente construida sobre las sociedades estudiadas. La comprensi¨®n del espacio social requiere formalizar y discutir los patrones formales de las estructuras dom¨¦sticas y sus formas de agrupaci¨®n. Este trabajo aborda el estudio de los espacios dom¨¦sticos desde una perspectiva ling¨¹istica (una gram¨¢tica de la casa), distinguiendo los elementos en s¨ª y sus combinaciones. Se definen tres niveles distintos de an¨¢lisis del hecho dom¨¦stico: el morfol¨®gico, que se ocupa de la forma de las unidades dom¨¦sticas y de las transformaciones que experimentan; el sint¨¢ctico que enfatiza las relaciones entre las estructuras elementales en el marco de una estructura espacial organi %K Household Archaeology %K Morphology %K Syntax %K Semiotics %K Domestics models %K Built environment %K Urban pattern %K Social use of space %K Islamic house %K Medieval Archaeology %K Iberian Peninsula %K al-Andalus %K Arqueolog¨ªa de los espacios dom¨¦sticos %K Morfolog¨ªa %K sintaxis %K semi¨®tica %K modelos dom¨¦sticos %K entorno construido %K tramas urbanas %K uso social del espacio %K casa isl¨¢mica %K Arqueolog¨ªa medieval %K Pen¨ªnsula Ib¨¦rica %K al-Andalus %U http://arqarqt.revistas.csic.es/index.php/arqarqt/article/view/144/138