%0 Journal Article %T To God through Science. Natural theology in Francoism %A Bl¨¢zquez Paniagua %A Francisco %J Asclepio : Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia %D 2011 %I Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient¨ªficas %X In Spain, during Franco¡¯s dictatorship (1939-1975) the teaching and divulgation of science were subordinated to the Catholic religion and many books defended a theistic and creationistic point of view of Biology that accepted a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis and denied the theory of evolution, especially as it relates to human origin. This article is devoted to the main books and characteristics of this way of thinking which reproduced arguments and metaphors of the Pre-Darwinian Natural Theology, arguing that Nature was ruled by God and living organisms were the results of his design. En Espa a, durante la dictadura franquista (1939-1975), la ense anza y la divulgaci¨®n de la ciencia estuvieron supeditadas a la religi¨®n cat¨®lica y numerosas obras defendieron una visi¨®n te¨ªsta y creacionista de la biolog¨ªa que aceptaba el relato literal del G¨¦nesis y rechazaba la teor¨ªa de la evoluci¨®n, especialmente en el problema del origen del ser humano. Este art¨ªculo aborda las principales obras y caracter¨ªsticas de esta forma de pensamiento que reprodujo argumentos y met¨¢foras propios de la teolog¨ªa natural predarwiniana, seg¨²n la cual la Naturaleza estaba gobernada por Dios y los seres vivos eran producto de su dise o. %K Natural Theology %K Theistic Biology %K Creationism %K Creationism in Spain %K Teolog¨ªa natural %K Biolog¨ªa te¨ªsta %K Creacionismo %K Creacionismo en Espa a %U http://asclepio.revistas.csic.es/index.php/asclepio/article/view/501/503