%0 Journal Article %T EDUCACION DE LAS ADOLESCENTES EMBARAZADAS: UNA FUNCI¨®N DE ENFERMERIA %A Gim¨¦nez %A Migdali %A Andrade %A Belkis %J Salud, Arte y Cuidado %D 2011 %I Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado %X The aim of the presently study was to determine the execution of the educational function from the infirmary personnel to the pregnant adolescent at the obstetric consultations of the Urban Outpatients Centers types III of the State of Lara. It is framed in the quantitative paradigm, not experimental and of cross section, fieldwork investigation. The population was made up by 1000 pregnant adolescents that attended the obstetric consultations distributed in the Urban Outpatients Centers types III. A probabilistic simple random sampling was applied and it covered 30% of the population. The gathering of the information was carried out by a questionnaire with dichotomic alternative answers (yes; no). This instrument was validated and the reliability was calculated by the coefficient of Kuder Richardson (KR-20), with a score of 0.88 in a highly reliable range. Conclusion: in the dimension primary care of the pregnant adolescent, the accomplishment of the educational function was excellently reached; and in relation to education of the pregnant adolescent for the integral care of their babies, the accomplishment was good, in spite of the lack of necessary time for such an end. With these results, workshops were carried out with the personnel of infirmary of each Urban Outpatients Center to promote strategies that can help to complete the educational function and improve the quality of the pregnant adolescents' life and the baby's integral care. %K educational function %K pregnant adolescents %K obstetric consultations %U http://bibmed.ucla.edu.ve/db/psm_ucla/edocs/SAC04S1/SAC04S02.pdf