%0 Journal Article %T The Images of Israel in Shanghai College Students¡¯ Eyes - A Questionnaire Perspective %A Hao Qian %J Asian Culture and History %D 2013 %I %R 10.5539/ach.v5n2p37 %X This research paper aims to explore the images of Israel in the eyes of college students in Shanghai, China. The author chooses students from East China Normal University, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics together with some other small groups of college students as the subjects of the questionnaire. These target college students are supposed to represent the mainstream discourse concerning the public images of Israel among Shanghai young intellectual groups. In the survey, the author discovers the responses are both positive and negative, though not half to half, mostly depending on from what ( which )channels they have learned about Israel. %U http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ach/article/view/25473