%0 Journal Article %T Rx for the Future: A Look into the Viability of a ˇ°Hybridˇ± Health Care System in the United States %A Casey Seidman %J Arts and Social Sciences Journal %D 2010 %I AstonJournals %X The purpose of this essay is to examine whether or not a hybrid healthcare system would work in the United States. In order to do this, I utilizedmultiple research methods. The first method I used was to look at case studies; the second method utilized was application of economic modelsand expert opinion. After I thoroughly examined these, I was able to tell if the U.S. is able to handle a hybrid healthcare system. %K Healthcare Reform %K Public Option %K Insurance Reform %U http://astonjournals.com/manuscripts/Vol2010/ASSJ-7_Vol2010.pdf