%0 Journal Article %T Center of Pychosocial Attention (CAPS) and psychiatric reform in the Amazon: a professional involved view %A Adriana Soares Caetano %A Antonio Carlos Abtibol Alves %A J¨²lio C¨¦sar Pinto de Souza %A Ma¨ªra Stivaleti Colombarolli %J Sa¨²de & Transforma£¿£¿o Social %D 2011 %I Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina %X This article is the report of a research that sought to address the different perspectives of the professionals of one of the Mental health services Center of Amazon, with respect to its insertion and conception as an actor directly involved on mental health care reform or Psychiatric Reform. The results were obtained through participate observations and interviews with the six college-educated professionals of this center, interpreted through content analysis of Bardin. It was found that the reform conception by the professionals is equivalent, but the medical area professionals, unlike the other areas ones, discredit the viability of the proposed attention model. However, it was unanimous the opinion that the center doesn¡¯t have the adequate resources for its functions execution. Even with the adversities, the work of these professionals enables the desinstitucionalization on Amazon, allowing the mental disorders carriers the possibility of rescue their citizenship. %K Health professionals. Mental health Services. Health Care Reform %U http://www.incubadora.ufsc.br/index.php/saudeetransformacao/article/view/609/862