%0 Journal Article %T Why there was need of Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology? %A Zahid Iqbal %J Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology %D 2013 %I Life Sciences Society of Pakistan %X Knowledge is exploding with every moment and science is discovering new horizons with every passing day. To encompass this knowledge and, particularly disseminate it to the scientific community free of cost, was the major inspiring force behind the launch of Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology (AJAB). Another factor that motivated us was the narrow spectrum of the most of existing journals which cover only one or two specific fields and do not focus on interdisciplinary approach. The need was deeply felt by our team members and we decided to start a journal which would focus on all interrelated disciplines of agricultural and other biological sciences. From here we perceived the idea of the name of our new journal ˇ°Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biologyˇ±. We also decided that this would be online only to save the wastage of paper as most of the scientific literature is accessed through internet and people are least interested in printed copies of the articles. We deliberated a lot over free access of the journal and concluded in its favor, keeping in view the basic right of every human being to have free access to the knowledge of scientific discoveries and literature. It was also decided that AJAB will publish original research manuscripts, short communications and review articles on environmental, plant, animal and human sciences. Environmental sciences will cover areas of soil related research, residues and food quality. Plant sciences will focus on plant diversity, distribution, genetics, bioinformatics and biotechnology related issues. Animal sciences will deal with the health and diseases of vertebrate and invertebrate animals and their treatment related research. Human sciences will relate to different aspects of health and diseases of humans and various issues arising in medical sciences. The first issue of AJAB is before you and we hope your constructive feedback to improve its matter and quality. %K AJAB %U http://www.asianjab.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/0-Editorial.pdf