%0 Journal Article %T An Outbreak of Lactose Fermenter Multidrug Resistant Salmonella enterica serova typhi in Sulaymani City, Iraq %A Adel Kamal Khider %J Asian Journal of Medical Sciences %D 2012 %I %X In order to present the clinical microbiology characteristics of outbreaks of lactose fermenting S. enterica serova typhi, thirty lactose fermenting (L+) and three nun-lactose fermenting (L-) Salmonella entereca serova typhi were isolated from blood of patients suffering from typhoied fever in indor and outdor of Sulaymani city-Iraq. The isolated S. enterica exihibited same charecterstics as the type strain and L-S. enterica except for ONPG production. Serological examination reveled that all L+, L- and standered strain possesed the antigenic formula as S. enterica. The apperence of all L+S. enterica colonies on different media was similar to that of E. coli. The L+S. enterica isolates were 100% resist to Ampicillin, Cefalosporin, Chloramphenicol, Gentamycin, Tetracyclin and Trimethoprim antibiotics, While L-were sensitive to Amikacin, Cefalosporin, Cefotaxim, Ciprofloxacin, Chloramphenicol and Gentamycin. However 43.3% of L+S. enterica isolates were resist to all tested antibiotics, 6.7% were resist to 10 antibiotics out of eleven, 30% resist to nine antibiotics, 6.7% resist to 8 antibiotics, while 13.3 were resist to seven antibiotics. %K Antibiotic resistant %K E. coli %K lactose fermenter %K Salmonella typhi %K sulaymani %K typhoid fever %K Medical Bacteriology %U http://www.maxwellsci.com/jp/abstract.php?jid=AJMS&no=182&abs=08