%0 Journal Article %T La m¨¦moire dans Le pass¨¦ d¡¯une illusion (1995) de Fran ois Furet. Relecture d¡¯une pratique historienne de la temporalit¨¦ %A Daniel Poitras %J Atelier du Centre de Recherches Historiques %D 2011 %I Centre de Recherches Historiques %R 10.4000/acrh.3689 %X the illusion expressed in the following equations : writing history = inventing historical reality ; inventing historical reality = making historical reality. This seems to be why discussions about the ¡°politics¡± of certain academic discourses are often conducted with a passion and seriousness which would make a neutral observer think that the fate of entire nations and social classes is at stake Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht Je crois que l¡¯homme est nu, sans philosophie de l¡¯Histoire, et qu¡¯il f... %U http://acrh.revues.org/3689