%0 Journal Article %T De l¡¯agentivit¨¦ dans, et de la parole mythique On the agency in and of mythical speech %A Pierre-Yves Jacopin %J Ateliers du LESC %D 2010 %I %R 10.4000/ateliers.8533 %X Frustr¨¦ par l¡¯absence de d¨¦finition claire de l¡¯agentivit¨¦, l¡¯auteur propose d¡¯¨¦laborer un nouveau paradigme fond¨¦ non seulement sur la linguistique et l¡¯ethnologie, mais sur la philosophie du langage anglo-saxonne. Prenant l¡¯exemple d¡¯un fragment de parole mythique yucuna, il en donne une traduction mot ¨¤ mot, suivie d¡¯une premi¨¨re lecture empiriste . Celle-ci se r¨¦v¨¦lant peu satisfaisante, une lecture formaliste est alors propos¨¦e qui d¨¦finit l¡¯agentivit¨¦ comme une transformation formelle. Toutefois si l¡¯agentivit¨¦ est pr¨¦cis¨¦e, le sens du fragment de parole mythique reste obscur. Se fondant sur un article de 1892 du logicien Gottlob Frege pour comprendre d¡¯o¨´ vient l¡¯ind¨¦termination, l¡¯auteur propose alors une lecture contextualiste ¨¤ la fois interne (interaction de trois plans structurels) et externe (fonction sociale), qui montre la nature de la parole mythique, et d¨¦voile ses dimensions agentives. Frustrated by the absence of a clear definition of agency, the author proposes to elaborate a new paradigm based not only on linguistics and ethnology, but also on the philosophy of Anglo-Saxon language. Taking the example of a fragment of Yucuna mythical speech, he provides a word-by-word translation, followed by an initial ¡°empiricist¡± reading. This proving unsatisfactory, a ¡°formalist¡± reading is then proposed, which defines agency as a formal transformation. However, although agency has been clarified, the meaning of the mythical words remains vague. Basing his attempt to understand the source of this vagueness on an 1892 article by logician Gottlob, the author next proposes a contextualist reading ¡ª one that is both internal (the interaction of three structural levels) and external (the social function) ¡ª which shows the nature of mythical speech, and reveals its agentive aspects. %U http://ateliers.revues.org/8533