%0 Journal Article %T Un huis clos ethnographique ou l¡¯impossible enqu¨ºte chez un ancien milicien libanais %A Isabelle Rivoal %J Ateliers du LESC %D 2009 %I %R 10.4000/ateliers.8217 %X Un huis clos ethnographique ou l¡¯impossible enqu¨ºte chez un ancien milicien libanais. Toute enqu¨ºte ethnographique est soumise ¨¤ un ensemble de contingences qui sont rarement objectiv¨¦es en tant que telles quand les relations construites entre l¡¯ethnologue et ses h tes lui permettent de travailler . Que faire d¡¯une situation ethnographique dans laquelle le r le assign¨¦ ¨¤ l¡¯ethnologue s¡¯av¨¨re impossible ¨¤ tenir ? Bien des ann¨¦es apr¨¨s l¡¯ ¨¦chec d¡¯un premier terrain libanais, je reviens sur les conditions qui m¡¯ont amen¨¦e ¨¤ m¡¯installer avec un couple de jeunes mari¨¦s. Je tente de donner un sens ¨¤ cette exp¨¦rience en analysant, en termes de domination et de clivages politiques, les diff¨¦rents niveaux de la relation ¨¦tablie entre mes h tes et moi, mais encore entre les protagonistes de cette sorte de huis clos familial. Behind closed doors, or the impossible ethnographic study of a former Lebanese militiaman. As long as the relationships that anthropologists establish on the field enable them to work, they do not often interrogate all of the fortuitous contingencies that determine the particular dynamic of their fieldwork. But, how can we consider an ethnographic situation in which it is simply impossible for the anthropologist to cope with the role his hosts have assigned her? Many years after the ¡°failure¡± of my first fieldwork in Lebanon, I reconsider the conditions that led me into a problematic relationship. I attempt to make sense of this experience by analyzing, in terms of domination and factionalism, the different dimensions of the relations, not only between me and my hosts, but also between the different protagonists in this sort of family drama behind closed doors. %K domination %K determinants of the ethnographic survey %K hospitality %K problematic ethnographic relations %K d¨¦terminants de l¡¯enqu¨ºte ethnographique %K hospitalit¨¦ %K relation ethnographique probl¨¦matique %K Liban %U http://ateliers.revues.org/8217