%0 Journal Article %T L¡¯¨¦criture de soi, et ses modalit¨¦s de constitution en archives Self-writing and its Archive-Building Methods: the Case of the Testimony of Former Political Prisoners in Morocco %A Anouk Cohen %J Ateliers du LESC %D 2012 %I %R 10.4000/ateliers.9062 %X L¡¯Instance ¨¦quit¨¦ et r¨¦conciliation (IER), cr¨¦¨¦e au Maroc en 2006, vise ¨¤ ¨¦tablir la v¨¦rit¨¦ sur plusieurs faits de l¡¯histoire (de la date de l¡¯ind¨¦pendance du Maroc, 1956, ¨¤ la fin du r¨¨gne de Hassan II, 1999). Devant l¡¯absence d¡¯archives officielles, l¡¯IER a proc¨¦d¨¦ ¨¤ l¡¯archivage des livres carc¨¦raux r¨¦cemment publi¨¦s au Maroc. Cela pose un certain nombre de questions : comment les r¨¦cits carc¨¦raux sont-ils pass¨¦s du statut d¡¯¨¦crits litt¨¦raires ¨¤ celui d¡¯archives ? De quelles mani¨¨res l¡¯articulation des notions de t¨¦moignages , de r¨¦cits et d¡¯ archives est-elle con ue et op¨¦r¨¦e par les acteurs qui les mobilisent (IER, auteurs, ¨¦diteurs, lecteurs) et pourquoi leur attribuent-ils cette terminologie ? Autant d¡¯interrogations qui seront au c ur de cette r¨¦flexion ax¨¦e sur les proc¨¦d¨¦s ¨¤ l¡¯origine de la mutation des livres carc¨¦raux en archives. The Equality and Reconciliation Commission (IER: Instance Equit¨¦ et R¨¦conciliation), created in Morocco in 2006, aims to ¡°establish the truth about several historical facts¡± (from the date of Moroccan independence, 1956, to the end of the reign of Hassan II, 1999). Faced with a lack of official archives, the IER proceeded to archive prison books recently published in Morocco. This raises a number of questions: how did prison stories shift from the status of literary compositions to that of archives? How is the link between the notions of ¡°testimony¡±, ¡°stories¡± and ¡°archives¡± conceived and manipulated by the actors who use them (IER, authors, publishers, readers), and why attribute this terminology to them? These questions lie at the heart of this study, which focuses on the processes underlying this transformation of prison books into archives. %K archives %K prison writing %K publishing %K book production %K Equality and Reconciliation Commission %K testimony %K archives %K ¨¦dition %K ¨¦criture carc¨¦rale %K fabrication du livre %K Instance ¨¦quit¨¦ r¨¦conciliation %K t¨¦moignages %K Maroc urbain %U http://ateliers.revues.org/9062