%0 Journal Article %T Mati¨¨re ¨¤ controverse Grounds for Controversy: the Argument Surrounding the Publication of Documents diplomatiques et consulaires relatifs ¨¤ l¡¯histoire du Liban %A Candice Raymond %J Ateliers du LESC %D 2012 %I %R 10.4000/ateliers.9042 %X Cet article a pour objet la pol¨¦mique qui a oppos¨¦ entre les ann¨¦es 1980 et 2000 Adel Ismail, historien et diplomate libanais ayant ¨¦dit¨¦ une vaste collection de documents diplomatiques fran ais relatifs ¨¤ l¡¯histoire moderne du Liban, et Antoine Hokayem, historien universitaire ¨¤ l¡¯origine d¡¯une critique virulente de ces publications et lui-m¨ºme ¨¦diteur de recueils d¡¯archives. L¡¯analyse des diff¨¦rentes s¨¦quences du processus pol¨¦mique vise ¨¤ identifier les types de manipulation auxquels ces documents ont ¨¦t¨¦ soumis depuis leur collecte jusqu¡¯¨¤ leur usage pol¨¦mique et ¨¤ ¨¦tudier leurs modes d¡¯articulation avec les logiques historiographiques, politiques et ¨¦conomiques qui en ont sous-tendu le d¨¦veloppement. L¡¯examen des dispositifs ¨¦ditoriaux adopt¨¦s par les protagonistes de la pol¨¦mique mettra en lumi¨¨re leur r le dans le d¨¦roulement de cette derni¨¨re et les effets produits par la mat¨¦rialit¨¦ m¨ºme de ces dispositifs. The subject of this article is the 1980-2000 controversy between Adel Ismail, a Lebanese historian and diplomat who has published a vast collection of French diplomatic documents relating to the modern history of Lebanon, and Antoine Hokayem, an academic historian behind a virulent critique of these publications, himself also the publisher of archive collections. The different stages of the controversy are analysed with the aim of identifying the types of manipulations to which these documents were subjected, from the time they were collected until they were used for polemical purposes, and to study the ways in which they connect with the historiographical, political and economic rationales that underlay their development. An examination of the editorial apparatuses adopted by the controversy¡¯s protagonists will shed light on their role in its development and the effects produced by the very materiality of these apparatuses. %K historiography %K archives %K publishing %K controversy %K editing %K historiographie %K archives %K ¨¦dition %K controverse %K Liban %U http://ateliers.revues.org/9042