%0 Journal Article %T De source s re. Exp¨¦rimentations crois¨¦es sur l¡¯archive %A Christine Jungen %J Ateliers du LESC %D 2009 %I %R 10.4000/ateliers.8195 %X De source s re. Exp¨¦rimentations crois¨¦es sur l¡¯archive. La notion d¡¯archive va-t-elle de soi ? Ainsi, alors que l¡¯historiographie occidentale a impos¨¦ l¡¯archive comme fondement de r¨¦gime de v¨¦ridiction de l¡¯histoire, deux entreprises concurrentes d¡¯¨¦criture de l¡¯histoire s¡¯affrontent en Jordanie : l¡¯histoire acad¨¦mique d¡¯une part, universitaire, qui a plac¨¦ l¡¯archive comme source exclusive de v¨¦rit¨¦ objective au c ur de son entreprise historiographique ; l¡¯histoire tribale d¡¯autre part, qui met en comp¨¦tition diff¨¦rentes modalit¨¦s d¡¯authentification, entre autorit¨¦ de la performance orale et autorit¨¦ de l¡¯¨¦crit, autorit¨¦ du locuteur et autorit¨¦ de l¡¯archive. Dans cet article, je reviens sur les ¨¦tapes qui m¡¯ont progressivement permis de saisir la pluralit¨¦ des registres dans lesquels se d¨¦ploie le rapport ¨¤ l¡¯archive et ¨¤ l¡¯histoire en Jordanie. From a reliable source. Crossed experiments on archives. Is the concept of the archive as evident as it seems? While Western historiography has imposed the archive as the foundation for its regime of historical veridiction, two contrasting enterprises of writing history are currently competing with each other in Jordan. One is academic history, which has defined archives as the sole legitimate source of objective truth of the historiographical process. The other is tribal history, in which different methods of authentification compete, between the authority of oral performance and the authority of writings, between the authority of the speaker and the authority of the archive. In the present paper, I review how my own understanding of archives was confronted with the different ways people relate to archives and history in Jordan. %K historiography %K archives %K proof %K tribe %K historiographie %K preuve %K tribu %K Jordanie %U http://ateliers.revues.org/8195