%0 Journal Article %T Stigmatisation et identification des pratiques homosexuelles masculines ¨¤ travers des membres des classes populaires parisiennes au cours de la premi¨¨re partie du xixe si¨¨cle %A Thierry Pastorello %J Atelier du Centre de Recherches Historiques %D 2011 %I Centre de Recherches Historiques %R 10.4000/acrh.3808 %X Au cours de la premi¨¨re partie du xixe si¨¨cle, l¡¯homosexualit¨¦ masculine est stigmatis¨¦e au travers de la figure du p¨¦d¨¦raste. Il devient une figure embl¨¦matique du d¨¦sordre, li¨¦e ¨¤ divers fl¨¦aux sociaux. Les m¨¦decins l¨¦gistes construisent un personnage personnifiant la transgression d¡¯un ordre sexuel. Cependant, ces discours ont-ils un impact r¨¦el sur certains hommes issus des classes populaires urbaines ? On distingue parfaitement deux types d¡¯hommes dans certains fichiers de police. Certains hommes eff¨¦min¨¦s sont affubl¨¦s du qualificatif de tante. D¡¯autres ne sont pas affubl¨¦s de ce qualificatif et correspondraient ¨¤ ceux que Georges Chauncey nomme Trades : ils r¨¦pondent aux sollicitations des tantes. De plus, certaines libert¨¦s d¡¯attitudes, de m¨ºme que le d¨¦veloppement de la prostitution masculine pourraient d¨¦montrer le poids limit¨¦ des discours stigmatisants. Stigmatisation of the male homosexual pratictes and the identifications through limbed of the parisian popular classes during the first part of the XIXth centuryDuring the first part of the xixth century, the male homosexuality is stigmatized through the figure of the pederast. He becomes a symbolic face of the disorder, related to diverse social plagues. The forensic scientists build a character personifying the malpractice of a sexual order. However, these speeches have a real impact on certain men stemming from urban lower classes? We distinguish perfectly two types of men in certain files of police. Certain feminine are decked out by aunt's qualifier. Others are not decked out by this qualifier and would correspond to those whom Georges Chauncey names Trades: they answer to the requests of the aunts. Furthermore, certain liberties of attitudes, as well as the development of the male prostitution could demonstrate the weight limited by the stigmatizing speeches. %K France %K sexuality %K male homosexuality %K social aspect %K Paris (France) %K Popular culture %K xixth century %K Paris %K sexualit¨¦ %K police %K homosexualit¨¦ masculine %K r¨¦formateurs sociaux %K hygi¨¦nistes %K culture populaire %K xixe si¨¨cle %U http://acrh.revues.org/3808