%0 Journal Article %T Dust Detection and Optical Depth Retrieval Using MSG£¿SEVIRI Data %A Filomena Romano %A Elisabetta Ricciardelli %A Domenico Cimini %A Francesco Di Paola %A Mariassunta Viggiano %J Atmosphere %D 2013 %I MDPI AG %R 10.3390/atmos4010035 %X Thanks to its observational frequency of 15 min, the Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) geostationary satellite offers a great potential to monitor dust storms. To explore this potential, an algorithm for the detection and the retrieval of dust aerosol optical properties has been tested. This is a multispectral algorithm based on visible and infrared data which has been applied to 15 case studies selected between 2007 and 2011. The algorithm has been validated in the latitude¨Clongitude box between 30 and 50 degrees north, and £¿10 and 20 degrees east, respectively. Hereafter we present the obtained results that have been validated against Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) ground-based measurements and compared with the retrievals from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA¡¯s Terra and Aqua satellites. The dust aerosol optical depth variations observed at the AERONET sites are well reproduced, showing good correlation of about 0.77, and a root mean square difference within 0.08, and the spatial patterns retrieved by using the algorithm developed are in agreement with those observed by MODIS. %K dust optical depth %K dust detection %K MSG %K SEVIRI %U http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4433/4/1/35