%0 Journal Article %T Latinamerican environmental psychology in the first decade of the millennium. A critical analysis La psicolog¨ªa ambiental latinoamericana en la primera d¨¦cada del milenio. Un an¨¢lisis cr¨ªtico %A Esther Wiesenfeld %A Hilda Zara %J Athenea Digital %D 2012 %I Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona %X This article provides an analysis of Latin American contributions to environmental psychology, based on work presented in the last six Intercamerican Congresses of Psychology which cover from 2001 to 2011. The review was organized according to number of presentations per congress and authors' countries of origin, type of work; thematic areas, types of processes, environments and subjects addressed; methodologies and methods employed; disciplines involved and reference to the ethical political dimension. Analysis shows a sustained growth of the discipline, although different between countries and heterogeneous in the issues addressed, ways of approaching these and scope of the results. Results show a prevalence of empirical versus theoretical, methodological and applied work; research privileges individual against collective processes; emphasizes reactive versus active role of participants, and a wide variety of topics, environments, subjects and methods is addressed Conclusions refer to the contributions and weaknesses of different nature derived from the review, and challenges faced by the discipline for increasing its theoretical and social relevance. A working agenda is suggested for discussing these challenges, which in addition includes the debate over unifying of diversifying Environmental Psychology, as well as its local or universal nature. El presente art¨ªculo analiza aportes latinoamericanos a la psicolog¨ªa ambiental, tomando como eje los trabajos presentados en los ¨²ltimos seis Congresos Interamericanos de Psicolog¨ªa, que abarcan once a os (2001-2011). La revisi¨®n se organiz¨® con base en el n¨²mero de trabajos por congreso y pa¨ªses de procedencia de los autores, tipo de trabajo; ¨¢reas tem¨¢ticas, procesos, ambientes y sujetos abordados, metodolog¨ªa y m¨¦todos empleados; disciplinas implicadas. El an¨¢lisis da cuenta del crecimiento sostenido de la disciplina, aunque desigual entre pa¨ªses y heterog¨¦neo en los asuntos tratados, las formas de hacerlo y los alcances de los resultados obtenidos. Se evidencia predominio de trabajos emp¨ªricos vs. te¨®ricos, metodol¨®gicos y aplicados; las investigaciones privilegian procesos individuales antes que colectivos, destaca el car¨¢cter reactivo vs. activo de los participantes y se aborda una amplia variedad de temas, ambientes, sujetos y m¨¦todos. Las conclusiones recogen las contribuciones y limitaciones de diversa ¨ªndole derivadas de la revisi¨®n y los retos que enfrenta la disciplina para incrementar su relevancia acad¨¦mica, te¨®rica y social. A tales efectos se propone una agenda de trabajo, que incluye adem¨¢s, %K Psicolog¨ªa ambiental %K Latinoam¨¦rica %K An¨¢lisis cr¨ªtico %U http://psicologiasocial.uab.es/athenea/index.php/atheneaDigital/article/view/985