%0 Journal Article %T Chronic inflammatory diseases are stimulated by current lifestyle: how diet, stress levels and medication prevent our body from recovering %A Margarethe M Bosma-den Boer %A Marie-Louise van Wetten %A Leo Pruimboom %J Nutrition & Metabolism %D 2012 %I BioMed Central %R 10.1186/1743-7075-9-32 %X The number of people suffering from chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes, respiratory diseases, mental disorders, autoimmune diseases (AID) and cancers has increased dramatically over the last three decades. The increasing rates of these chronic systemic illnesses suggest that inflammation [1,2], caused by excessive and inappropriate innate immune system (IIS) activity, is unable to respond appropriately to danger signals that are new in the context of evolution. This leads to unresolved or chronic inflammatory activation in the body.Inflammation is designed to limit invasions and damage after injury, a process which has been essential for the survival of Homo sapiens in the absence of medication such as antibiotics. Recently, it has been discovered that onset to conclusion of an inflammation is a self-limiting and controlled process of the immune system (IS). This process of inflammation resolution is defined by Serhan as Resoleomics [3], a term which will be used throughout this article.Our genes and physiology, which are still almost identical to those of our hunter-gatherer ancestors of 100,000 years ago, preserve core regulation and recovery processes [4,5]. Nowadays our genes operate in an environment which is completely different to the one for which they were designed.Modern man is exposed to an environment which has changed enormously since the time of the industrial revolution. In recent decades there has been a tremendous acceleration in innovations which have changed our lives completely. As a consequence, more than 75% of humans do not meet the minimum requirement of the estimated necessary daily physical activity [6], 72% of modern food types is new in human evolution [7], psycho-emotional stress has increased and man is exposed to an overwhelming amount of information on a daily basis. All these factors combine to produce an environment full of modern danger signals which continuously activate the IIS and central stress axe %K Chronic inflammation %K Central stress system %K Nutrition %K Resoleomics %K Sympathetic-adrenal-medulla axis %K Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis %K Anti-inflammatory medication %K Insulin resistance %K Polyunsaturated fatty acids %K Glycemic index %U http://www.nutritionandmetabolism.com/content/9/1/32