%0 Journal Article %T Les esp¨¨ces exotiques envahissantes, pour une remise en cause des paradigmes ¨¦cologiques Invasive species: challenging the ecological paradigms %A LEVEQUE %A Christian %A TABACCHI %A Eric %A MENOZZI %A Marie-Jo %J Sciences Eaux & Territoires : la Revue du IRSTEA %D 2012 %I IRSTEA %X Les esp¨¨ces exotiques font couler beaucoup d'encre et sont souvent pr¨¦sent¨¦es de mani¨¨re n¨¦gative. On les accuse de devenir envahissantes, d'entrer en concurrence avec les esp¨¨ces autochtones, d'entra ner un dysfonctionnement des ¨¦cosyst¨¨mes, et d'avoir un co t ¨¦lev¨¦ pour l'¨¦conomie. Cet article propose de d¨¦passer ces points de vue parfois simplistes et r¨¦ducteurs, en ¨¦tudiant l'aspect s¨¦mantique et les d¨¦finitions donn¨¦es ¨¤ ces esp¨¨ces, pour ensuite ¨¦laborer des pistes de r¨¦flexion sur la fa on de composer avec elles. As a result of the high human pressure on aquatic and semiaquatic ecosystems, new species introduced from several parts of the World are increasingly observed. Some of these species become invasive and are expected to threaten biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. This paper is an attempt to disentangle scientific facts or theories from conventional wisdom based on subjective perception or cultural pictures. Especially, we point out that in face of a real threat for biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, invasive species may have positive effects or uses. Several issues in invasion management are examined. While characteristics of invasive species cannot easily be predicted, many invasions take place in previously modified ecosystems. Furthermore, invaders eradication is not always the best answer for targeting self-sustainable healthy ecosystems. Since exotic species will irrevocably increase in proportion within our ecological communities in the next future, one may be ready to adapt to this novel biodiversity by accepting or managing the presence of some invaders. %K GESTION %K ESPECES %K INVASIONS BIOLOGIQUES %K EXOTIQUE %K ECOLOGIE %U http://www.set-revue.fr/sites/default/files/archives/article_01_1.pdf