%0 Journal Article %T ASPECTS REGARDING THE QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE INULA HELENIUM L. SPECIES %A MARINELA AFEMEI %A ELVIRA GILLE %A IRINA BOZ %A CONSTANTIN TOMA %J Scientific Annals of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. New Series, Section 2. Vegetal Biology %D 2012 %I Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi %X In the present paper, we aim to achieve a study referring to the qualitative and quantitative chemical composition of Inula helenium L., a species known in our country under the name of horse-heal. The rhizome and roots of the plant have therapeutic use in human and veterinary medicine. In the rhizome and the roots there is inulin in a ratio of 44% (Grigorescu et al., 2001; Istudor, 2001), volatile oil (1-3%), superior terpens as ¦Â-elemen, fridelin, stigmasterol, alantol, and also phenolic acids, mucilages, proasulens, E-vitamins and saponins (Bruneton, 1995; Grigorescu et al., 2001). The presence of active principles confers it choleretic, colagog, duiretic, antiimflamatory and antihistaminic properties. It has a diuretic action favouring water elimination, that of nitrogens and chlorides in rheumatism and gout, in renal affections, but especially in affections of infectious nature (Temelie, 2006). It also has antiinflamatory properties in hepatic congestions, in cholecystitides, in renal and billiary lithiasis, oliguria, arthritis (Parvu, 2003, 2006). The inulin extracted from the roots represents a polysaccharide without nutritive value, but when swallowed renders a sensation of repletion, yet it does not determine the increase of glycemia (Ciulei et al., 1993). In this respect we analyzed the aerial vegetative organs: the inflorescences (Inulae flos) and the underground vegetative organs: the roots (Inulae radix). We performed both qualitative chemical analyses made up of the study of the volatile oil fractions, of the flavonoids, of the polyphenocarboxylic acids and of the triterpens with the help of TLC, and quantitative chemical analyses constituted of spectrophotometric determinations. %K Inula helenium L. %K polyphenols %K volatil oil %K interspecific variability %U http://www.bio.uaic.ro/publicatii/anale_vegetala/issue/2012F1/04-2012F1.pdf