%0 Journal Article %T INVESTIGATIONS REGARDING THE PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF SOME SAMPLES OF GALIUM VERUM L. AND GALIUM ALBUM MILL. %A GEORGIANA GHI£¿£¿ %A RADU NECULA %A ADRIANA TRIFAN %A ELVIRA GILLE %J Scientific Annals of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. New Series, Section 2. Vegetal Biology %D 2012 %I Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi %X The present paper ia a comparative chemical study of the Galium verum L. and Galium album Mill. Species used in folk medicine. With the help of some modern investigational methods and techniques as spectrophotometry, thin layer chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography, we analyzed the iridiodic, flavonoidic and polyphenolcarboxylic acid fractions existing in the two Galium L. species. The vegetal material that was analyzed was made up of the aerial parts prelevated from individuals belonging to natural population from the north¨Ceastern part of Moldavia. In the study we noticed the existence of some quantitative differences regarding the the polyphenolic components identified in the extracts of Galium verum L. and Galium album Mill., as well as that of intrspecific variability, in the respect that the yellow fairies contain bioactive secondary metabolites in higher quantities than in case of the white fairies. %K Galium verum L. %K Galium album L. %K iridoids %K polyphenols %K HPLC %U http://www.bio.uaic.ro/publicatii/anale_vegetala/issue/2012F1/06-2012F1.pdf