%0 Journal Article %T HISTO-ANATOMICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF PLANT SPECIES WITH FLOWERS DECORATION %A ANI£¿OARA STRATU %A NAELA COSTIC£¿ %A OANA PU£¿CHIU %J Scientific Annals of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. New Series, Section 2. Vegetal Biology %D 2011 %I Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi %X The paper presents results of a study on the physiological characteristics and the histoanatomical features at five plant species with flowers decoration grown in pots. The results show values specific of the analyzed indicators (water and dry matter content, chlorophyll pigments, the cellular juice concentration) depending on the species. The studied species shows a good state of hydratation of tissues and a low concentration of cellular juice. Species that have a higher requirement to light show higher levels of chlorophyll pigments. The foliar lamina has a typical bifacial and heterofacial structure at Cyclamen persicum and Begonia elatior x hybriden and a relatively homogeneous structure in the others species analyzed. %K species with flowers decoration %K physiological indicators %K anatomy %U http://www.bio.uaic.ro/publicatii/anale_vegetala/issue/2011F1/02-2011F1.pdf