%0 Journal Article %T RESEARCHES ON PTERIDOPHYTES FROM V LSAN VALLEY PROTECTED AREA (ARGE COUNTY, ROMANIA) %A CODRU£żA MIHAELA DOBRESCU %A LILIANA CRISTINA SOARE %J Scientific Annals of Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi. New Series, Section 2. Vegetal Biology %D 2012 %I Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi %X Long-term observations of pteridophyte populations can reveal how they respond to abiotic and biotic changes in their environment. The research was done in the Valsan Valley, Arge county, in the Valsan Valley Natural Reserve and the Valsan Valley Protected Natural Area of Community Interest, and it aimed at identifying the pteridophyte populations in the protected area, in order to make up a necessary database meant to monitor their long-term evolution and to establish conservation strategies in the area. Fifty sites with pteridophytes were identified in the researched area. For each site we determined the pteridophyte species, their abundance and the in situ reproduction. In the Valsan Valley protected areas there were identified 42.85 % of the Romanian pteridophyte species (without extinct or uncertain species). 36.66% of the pteridophyte species identified are considered sporadic in the Romanian flora. In situ, different stages of reproduction (gametophytes, sporelings and juveniles) were identified in most pteridophytes. %K database %K monitoring %K population %K pteridophytes %K reproduction %K Valsan Valley. %U http://www.bio.uaic.ro/publicatii/anale_vegetala/issue/2012F2/09-2012F2.pdf