%0 Journal Article %T IMPLEMENTATION OF STATE AID POLICY FROM THE EUROPEAN UNION IN ROMANIA %A Cristina BALDAN %J Scientific Bulletin : Economic Sciences %D 2012 %I University of Pitesti %X In 2009, the Competition Council's activity regarding the state aid field has considered Romania's obligations as a member state, and the fulfillment of some specific tasks by the competition authority acquired after January 1, 2007. In this regard, the Competition Council has encouraged the collaboration between institutions to develop projects of state aid schemes. In 2010 there were six major investment projects approved, four of them being in the photovoltaic sector in which three are in Germany, one is in Spain and the rest concern the mechanical industry in Germany and Italy. Also, there were approved five ad hoc aid measures in favor of individual enterprises, for investments in areas that are on the regional aid maps for the period 2007-2013, and ten aid schemes, of which five related to the outermost regions. In accordance with the guidelines on national regional aids for 2007-2013, the Commission developed a statistical evaluation of the situation of state aid and regional aid ceiling which received a transitional assisted area status under Article 107 paragraph 3 letters (a) by the end of 2010. The Commission accepted the changes introduced by the three member states (France, Ireland and Italy) in state aid maps for certain regions eligible for regional aid under Article 107 paragraph 3letter (c). %K State aid %K State scheme aid %K Regional state aid %K Intensity of state aid %K Investment project %U http://economic.upit.ro/repec/pdf/2012_2_3.pdf