%0 Journal Article %T Absorption properties of Mediterranean aerosols obtained from multi-year ground-based and satellite remote sensing observations %A M. Mallet %A O. Dubovik %A P. Nabat %A F. Dulac %J Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions %D 2013 %I Copernicus Publications %R 10.5194/acpd-13-9267-2013 %X Aerosol absorption properties are of high importance to assess aerosol impact on regional climate. This study presents an analysis of aerosol absorption products obtained over the Mediterranean Basin or land stations in the region from multi-year ground-based AERONET and satellite observations with a focus on the Absorbing Aerosol Optical Depth (AAOD), Single Scattering Albedo (SSA) and their spectral dependence. The AAOD and Absorption Angstr m Exponent (AAE) data set is composed of daily averaged AERONET level 2 data from a~total of 22 Mediterranean stations having long time series, mainly under the influence of urban-industrial aerosols and/or soil dust. This data set covers the 17 yr period 1996每2012 with most data being from 2003每2011 (~89% of level-2 AAOD data). Since AERONET level-2 absorption products require a high aerosol load (AOD at 440 nm > 0.4), which is most often related to the presence of desert dust, we also consider level-1.5 SSA data, despite their higher uncertainty, and filter out data with an Angstr m exponent <1.0 in order to study absorption by carbonaceous aerosols. The SSA data set includes both AERONET level-2 and satellite level-3 products. Satellite-derived SSA data considered are monthly level 3 products mapped at the regional scale for the spring and summer seasons that exhibit the largest aerosol loads. The satellite SSA dataset includes the following products: (i) Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) over 2000每2011, (ii) Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) near-UV algorithm over 2004每2010, and (iii) MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Deep-Blue algorithm over 2005每2011, derived only over land in dusty conditions. Sun-photometer observations show that values of AAOD at 440 nm vary between 0.024 ㊣ 0.01 (resp. 0.040 ㊣ 0.01) and 0.050 ㊣ 0.01 (0.055 ㊣ 0.01) for urban (dusty) sites. Analysis shows that the Mediterranean urban-industrial aerosols appear "moderately" absorbing with values of SSA close to ~0.94每0.95 ㊣ 0.04 (at 440 nm) in most cases except over the large cities of Rome and Athens, where aerosol appears more absorbing (SSA ~0.89每0.90 ㊣ 0.04). The aerosol Absorption Angstr m Exponent (AAE, estimated using 440 and 870 nm) is found to be larger than 1 for most sites over the Mediterranean, a manifestation of mineral dust (iron) and/or brown carbon producing the observed absorption. AERONET level-2 sun-photometer data indicate the existence of a moderate East每West gradient, with higher values over the eastern basin (AAEEast. = 1.39/AAEWest. = 1.33) due to the influence of desert dust. The North每 %U http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/13/9267/2013/acpd-13-9267-2013.pdf