%0 Journal Article %T ECHAM5-wiso water vapour isotopologues simulation and its comparison with WS-CRDS measurements and retrievals from GOSAT and ground-based FTIR spectra in the atmosphere of Western Siberia %A K. Gribanov %A J. Jouzel %A V. Bastrikov %A J.-L. Bonne %J Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions %D 2013 %I Copernicus Publications %R 10.5194/acpd-13-2599-2013 %X Water stable isotopes provide integrated tracers of the atmospheric water cycle, affected by changes in air mass origin, non-convective and convective processes and continental recycling. Novel remote sensing and in situ measuring techniques have recently offered opportunities for monitoring atmospheric water vapour isotopic composition. Recently developed infrared laser spectrometers allow for continuous in situ measurements of surface water vapour ¦ÄDv and ¦Ä18Ov. So far, very few intercomparison of measurements conducted using different techniques have been achieved at a given location, due to difficulties intrinsic to the comparison of integrated with local measurements. Nudged simulations conducted with high resolution isotopically enabled GCMs provide a consistent framework for comparison with the different types of observations. Here, we compare simulations conducted with the ECHAM5-wiso model with three types of water vapour isotopic data obtained during summer 2012 at the forest site of Kourovka, Western Siberia: daily mean GOSAT ¦ÄDv soundings, hourly ground-based FTIR total atmospheric columnar ¦ÄDv amounts, and in situ hourly Picarro ¦ÄDv measurements. There is an excellent correlation between observed and predicted ¦ÄDv at surface while the comparison between water column values derived from the model compares well with FTIR and GOSAT estimates. This research was supported by the grant of Russian government under the contract 11.G34.31.0064. %U http://www.atmos-chem-phys-discuss.net/13/2599/2013/acpd-13-2599-2013.pdf