%0 Journal Article %T Assessing patient satisfaction in pharmacotherapy follow-up / Valoraci¨®n de la satisfacci¨®n de los pacientes con el seguimiento farmacoterap¨¦utico %A Armando P %A Uema S %A Sola N %J Seguimiento Farmacoterap¨¦utico %D 2005 %I %X Objective: To assess satisfaction of patents under pharmacotherapy follow-up through the Dader Method, measured by their perceptions.Methods: A self-administered semi-structured questionnaire was designed comprising 6 checklist Y/N questions, 5 satisfaction scaled items and an open-ended final comment to provide additional suggestions.Results: 40 questionnaires were gathered. Average 5-items satisfaction score was 3.8 (SD=0.4) and the top-rated questions were 84.1%. Discussion: Patient satisfaction with pharmacotherapy follow-up was mainly correlated to: increased knowledge on medicines way of use and compliance with prescribed treatments.Conclusions: All surveyed items were highly scored by patients. Intentions to stay in the program and to recommend to others were unanimous, being both satisfaction indicators with pharmacotherapy follow-up. %K Pharmacotherapy follow-up %K Humanistic outcomes %K Patient satisfaction %K Quality %K Questionnaire. %U http://www.cipf-es.org/sft/vol-03/abs205-212.htm