%0 Journal Article %T A low-cost portable fibre-optic spectrometer for atmospheric absorption studies %A J. Bailey %J Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions %D 2013 %I Copernicus Publications %R 10.5194/amtd-6-1067-2013 %X A compact and portable solar absorption spectrometer based on fibre-optic Fabry¨CPerot technology has been built and tested. The instrument weighs only 4.2 kg and operates from 5 W of power from internal batteries. It provides spectroscopy over the range from 5980¨C6580 cm 1 (1.52¨C1.67 ¦Ěm) at a resolution of 0.16 cm 1. The input to the spectrometer is via single-mode optical fibre from a solar tracking system. Spectral scanning is carried out with a piezoelectrically scanned fibre Fabry¨CPerot tunable filter. Software has been developed to calibrate the spectra in wavelength and relative flux. The signal to noise ratio in solar spectra is about 700 for a spectrum scanned at 200 milliseconds per spectral point. The techniques used should be capable of being adapted to a range of wavelengths and to higher or lower resolutions. %U http://www.atmos-meas-tech-discuss.net/6/1067/2013/amtd-6-1067-2013.pdf