%0 Journal Article %T Formulation of Generic Simulation Models for Analyzing Construction Claims %A Rifat Rustom %J Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building %D 2012 %I UTS ePRESS %X While there are several techniques for analyzing the impact of claims on time schedule and productivity,very few are considered adequate and comprehensive to consider risks and uncertainties.A generic approach for claims analysis using simulation is proposed. The formulation of the generic methodology presented in this paper depends on three simulation models;As-Planned Model (APM),As-Built Model (ABM), and What-Would-HaveBeenModel(WWHBM). The proposed generic methodology as presented in this paper provides a good basis as a more elaborate approach to better analyze claims and their impacts on project time and productivity utilizing discrete event simulation.The approach proposed allows for scenario analysis to account for the disputed events and workflow disruptions. The proposed models will assist claimants in presenting their cases effectively and professionally. %U http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/journals/index.php/AJCEB/article/view/2980