%0 Journal Article %T The Business Case for Sustainable Design - the City of Melbourne CH2 Project %A Peter Stewart %A Jon Robinson %A Sowfun Low %J Australasian Journal of Construction Economics and Building %D 2012 %I UTS ePRESS %X The City of Melbourne's landmark building development project.referred to as Council House 2 (CH2) is to be completed during2006. CH2 is a world leading six star environmental buildingincorporating sustainable technologies and producing financial.environmental and societal benefits. The business case forsustainable design within the context of CH2 is examined . Anoverview is carried out of traditional business case decisionmaking tools used in the context of property development. Thecase for the design and construction of ecologically sustainablebuildings is considered . The CH2 project is reviewed in detail andthe "triple bottom line" business case model developed by the Cityof Melbourne. which underpins the development. is investigated.It is concluded that the CH2 development should deliver diversebenefits to all stakeholders; the Council. staff. business andratepayers. Further. the business case model developed by theCH2 project can be utilized as an exemplar for other developments. %U http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/journals/index.php/AJCEB/article/view/2961